Protection Formula Lip Balm 3

DR JAMES CLINIC Protection Formula Lip Balm

日間用的護膚品,那個功效最重要?已是美容護膚達人的您,當然知道答案是什麼?我還是堅持, 除了防曬 ,什麼也可以不用!今天您不塗防曬,十年廿年後不要後悔。
我最不明白的觀念:為什麼塗防曬只塗面部,故意避開最脆弱的的眼週,口唇,脖子⋯ 十個不明白?? 塗面是SPF50 PA+++,眼週,口唇和脖子,卻一點也沒有?
怕眼週皮膚脆弱,刺激眼睛? 怕不小心吃了唇上的防曬?怕防曬苦澀? 怕防曬弄髒衣服? 還是怕白白的一層不好看?
雖然我不討厭含礦物油 Petrolatum 的護膚產品,因為有臨床證據,它有助傷口修復 Barrier Repair。市面上不少潤唇膏,都以 Petrolatum 為主要成份。可是用在嘴唇上,有機會被吃到的,我還想找感覺健康一點的來代替。
DR JAMES CLINIC Protection Formula Lip Balm SPF50 PA++ 保護配方潤唇膏,用植物提煉的油份 vegetable oils 為主要成份,如 jojoba oil, Shea butter,所以沒有奇怪的「蠟味」,或超濃的薄荷味道 (遮蓋原有的蠟味!)

重複了很多遍,SPF15 或以上 和有UVA保護 PA++ 或以上,才是現在的標準。若加上份量不足的因素,SPF30或以上,則比較可靠!


給大家一個概念:只要你有塗護膚品,最少也有PA+ 的UVA防曬效用 (PA+ 即兩倍抵擋UVA的時間),什麼都不塗,就是「零」保護,不要懶惰噢!

Protection Formula Lip Balm 1
Protection Formula Lip Balm 2
Protection Formula Lip Balm 3
Protection Formula Lip Balm 4
Protection Formula Lip Balm 5
Protection Formula Lip Balm 6
護唇 一 (美麗性感的嘴唇)

Importance about sunscreens

Most people think you don’t need sunscreen on winter time because it cold but the concept of sunscreen is to protect your skin from the sun.The first cosmeceutical to be developed, and the most important products for daily use, is sunscreen.

Skin damage from sunlight builds up with continued exposure, whether sunburn occurs or not. In addition to skin cancer and sunburn, other effects can include wrinkling, premature aging, and in time, an almost leathery appearance of the skin. Research also suggests that excessive exposure to UV radiation may interfere with the body’s immune system.

Sunburn is associated with the shorter ultraviolet wavelengths, known as ultraviolet B (UVB). The longer wavelengths, known as ultraviolet A (UVA), however, can penetrate the skin and damage connective tissue at deeper levels, even if the skin’s surface feels cool. It is important to limit exposure to both UVA and UVB.

The higher the SPF number, the more sunburn protection the product provides. Remember, sunscreen use alone will not prevent all of the possible harmful effects of the sun.
For maximum effectiveness, apply a sunscreen liberally, reapply it frequently and oral

When at the beach or pool, cover exposed areas with tightly woven clothing and wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head and face. If you’re a parent, protect your children’s skin; research indicates that one or more severe, blistering sunburns in childhood or adolescence can double the risk of skin cancer later in life.

Remember that the sun’s rays are the strongest from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, especially during the late spring and summer. Reflected glare from water and snow also can increase your exposure to UV radiation.

‘Don’t forget your lips and eye protection.’, Dr James said.

Written By: Miss P @ Dr James Clinic

Thank you Miss P for sharing this important concept of skin care


「妳的口唇很性感哦!」 … 別人對妳的稱讚,代表喜愛妳的美麗、愛慕感覺、想親妳一個的衝動 ⋯ 還有? 所以要小心保護它們。




口唇的皮膚, 只有三到五層細胞,比身體其他部位的皮膚有十數層細胞,薄多了。較薄的皮膚,黑色素的含量也較少,抵擋太陽紫外線的能力也較弱。口唇的皮膚,是沒有毛髮和汗腺,也沒有身體汗水和皮脂分泌保護。所以容易產生乾燥,破裂,脫皮的狀況。年輕時,口唇是飽滿、健康、潤澤的。年長了,唇邊的幼紋開始出現,口唇會變薄。乾濕的分界線 ( Wet dry Border ) 也漸漸不見了。

口唇除了是食道的開口 (opening for food intake),說話發音 (articulation of sound and speech) 的功能用外,這裡也是充滿神經的感覺器官 (Tactile sensory organ)。它對觸覺,溫度十分敏感。接吻時,產生無限快感。飽滿潤滑的口唇,也是性感的象徵 (Sexual attraction)。



跟其他位置的皮膚一樣,也直接受太陽紫外線傷害。所以也要注意防曬,和避免長時間日照。這樣不單令口唇皮膚乾裂,也會加快光衰老 (Photo-aging),甚至皮膚口唇的癌症。

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lip is associated with chronic exposure of UV light. SCC represents more than 90% of all head and neck cancers.
We receive more harmful UV than before.
The incident of SCC is almost doubled in past decades.
The best prevention is sun protection..



所以要選擇品質優良的潤唇膏,要挑選含阻隔紫外線A (UVA) 和 紫外線B (UVB) 的防曬成份,必須有最少 SPF 15 或以上,及 PA ++ 或以上的,並可進食和沒有對身體有影響的防曬成份,才算是合格。有更高的防曬度 (跟其他防曬用品一樣, SPF 30 + 和 PA++),當然是更理想旳選擇。

若妳用的潤唇膏,沒有SPF15 或更高防曬效能,我建議妳把它放棄。不要可惜,因為它對妳保護不足!

自己喜愛,含可被皮膚吸收的抗氧化成份,如維生素E (Tocopherol/Tocotrienol),豐富草本植物精華的潤唇膏。這些都是可經皮膚吸收的成份,加強修復,抗敏和防禦紫外線產生的破壞。保護口唇的膠原蛋白 (collagen),令口唇保持飽滿、柔軟、潤澤…

要留意,潤唇膏或唇彩的色素,都是油溶性的物質 (oil soluble)。長時間接觸口唇皮膚,會被皮膚吸收,令皮膚色澤改變。色素也沒有理想的防曬功能。所以盡量避免,直接使用含人造色素的護唇用品。使用唇彩時,也應先使用潤唇膏作阻隔。

當然,滋潤,具修復和保護成份 (Moisturizing and Barrier Repair),是不可缺的功效。
不含人造色素的材料 (artificial colors),使用天然的顏色 (color of natural ingredients),氣味和味道吸引 (favourable smell and taste), 性質清爽,沒有黏着感覺的 (non-sticky non-greasy),是較理想的選擇。

要注意衛生 (Hygiene),若使用手指塗抹的潤唇膏,必須先洗手,不要病從口入!

看看自己的護唇用品,有沒有齊以上的特質? 還沒有使用?…愛鍚自己多點吧。

Protection Formula Lip Balm 1
Protection Formula Lip Balm 2
Protection Formula Lip Balm 3
Protection Formula Lip Balm 4
Protection Formula Lip Balm 5
Protection Formula Lip Balm 6

護唇 一 (美麗性感的嘴唇)


百分之八十的皮膚衰老,是由於太陽紫外線。不分春夏秋冬,陰天晴天,也要注意做好防曬。整張臉,最脆弱的兩個地方,眼周和嘴唇的皮膚,卻是常常被忽略。妳知道嘴唇,也會光衰老 (Photo aging)。膠原蛋白和彈性纖維隨年紀長大而流失,皮膚變得乾燥脆弱。色澤沒有年輕時的紅潤。嘴巴的肌肉 (Orbicularis Oris Muscle),也會慢慢變薄 (Atrophy)。口唇四周會長出皺紋。唇形和唇線會變得模糊,口唇的體積也減少 (Volume Loss)。這就是口唇衰老的變化。若妳是吸煙人士 (smoker),或不懂得好好保養,衰老的速度更快。

要對抗光衰老,最重要當然要做足防曬。不要以為口唇的皮膚,顏色看似深一點,便認為它是不被陽光傷害。「紅色」是因為底層的血液,不是有更多的黑色素保護。注意: 一般防曬產品,不應塗抹在嘴唇上。用在口唇上的防曬成份和含量,都應有嚴格限制,必須不含重金屬或有毒成份,要同時可對抗 UVA 和 UVB的傷害。常用的成份包括 Titanium Dioxide (二氧化鈦) , Avobenzone … 等。
要處理光衰老,當然要包括抗氧化 (Anti-oxidants) 和抗自由基 (free radicals scavengers) ,如維生素 E 。
補濕 (Moisturizing) 舒緩 (Soothing) 和修復皮膚保護層 (Barrier Repair) 也是不可缺的。最常見的組合是石礦油 (Petrolatum),蘆薈 (Aloe Vera) 和薄荷 (Menthol)。

在這,也分享較早之前所寫文章的一小段。什麼才是美和性感的唇? 「美」那有定義? 跟穿衣服一樣,不是每個人也會,穿出來的感覺亦不一樣。各人都有自己的演繹方法。我的「美」跟客人的「美」也不一定相同。也要有整體配合,「厚」不一定就是性感。…

自己認為,不分男女,唇線(lip lines),唇形(lip shape),唇的飽滿度(fullness)和厚度(thickness),色澤(color)都很重要,是基本。而「人中」左右兩邊線條要分明,上唇中央要微微突出。這些都是年青口唇的特徵。上下唇的比例,我比較喜歡40%比60%,但我覺這個沒有準則,可看個人喜好配合。我認為性感的口唇,嘴巴放鬆不動的時候,可看見三分之一的門牙。笑的時候,則若露出四份之三的門牙。最重要是下唇微微翻開,露出一點點濕潤的內唇(dry-wet border),這比厚厚的兩片更為吸引。

Protection Formula Lip Balm 1
Protection Formula Lip Balm 2
Protection Formula Lip Balm 3
Protection Formula Lip Balm 4
Protection Formula Lip Balm 5
Protection Formula Lip Balm 6

護唇 一 (美麗性感的嘴唇)

化妝品和暗瘡 的概念


化妝品與暗瘡 Facial Cosmetics and Acne

What exactly does a patient mean when reporting that a certain cosmetic causes her face to "break out?" This phrase may refer to formation of a comedone, papule, pustule, nodule, cyst, or red rash. In addition, patients often have difficulty establishing a cause-and-effect relationship. From a dermatologic standpoint, the term that is still used to refer to cosmetic-related acne is acne cosmetica.

Acne cosmetica is a concept that was developed many years ago when cosmetics could indeed cause comedone formation. The issue of comedogenicity in relation to cosmetics arose in 1972 when Kligman and Mills described a low-grade acne characterized by closed comedones on the cheeks of women aged 20-25. Many of these women had not experienced adolescent acne. The authors proposed that substances present in cosmetic products induced the formation of closed comedones and, in some cases, a papulopustular eruption. Presently, personal communication with Dr. Kligman indicates that he no longer believes currently marketed cosmetics cause comedone formation, yet acne related to cosmetics remains a problem.

這是源於 1972 年 Dr. Kligman 認為 化妝品的成份,可引致暗瘡。可是這個概念,對現在的化妝品 (指有一定質素的),已不太合用了。

The literature reports lists of ingredients that supposedly cause acne, but finding a formulation that possesses none of these substances is practically impossible. The list contains some of the most effective emollients (eg, octyl stearate, isocetyl stearate), detergents (eg, sodium lauryl sulfate), occlusive moisturizers (eg, mineral oil, petrolatum, sesame oil, cocoa butter), and emulsifiers found in the cosmetic industry. A product line that avoids all of these substances would not perform well on the skin and would possess low cosmetic acceptability.
There are many myths regarding cosmetics and cosmeceuticals and the acne that they may or may not cause. Examining these myths to determine the medical truth is worthwhile.


The first myth is that cosmeceuticals do not produce acne if labeled noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic. Similar to the term hypoallergenic, labels that describe products as noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic are marketing claims carrying no implied regulation. They were developed to create a new consumer image for cosmetic lines designed to minimize acne.

一些標榜 ‘不引致暗瘡’ ‘不引致毛孔阻塞’ 標語 ,跟 ‘低敏配方’一樣,都是沒有標準的市場學字句,只在於建立消費者對產品的信心。看到這些字句,購買時才有信心?

In order to market a product as noncomedogenic, rabbit ear or human comedogenicity testing should be undertaken. Both the animal and the human model are based on the presence of new comedone formation after the exposure of skin to the finished cosmetic. Human testing is considered to be more accurate, but the results are highly dependent on the skill of the contract testing laboratory. Acnegenic claims are based on human use testing and the evaluation of volunteer subjects who report any increased acne following product use. Many manufacturers, however, make noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic claims based on the safety profiles of the individual ingredients in the formulation. This is inaccurate. Noncomedogenic and nonacnegenic claims should be made based on clinical testing of the finished formulation. Therefore, dermatologists should still consider all products labeled noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic as potentially problematic.

(只看着那成份表,用產品中個別成份的功效,作為分析該產品的理據,也是不對的。 要考慮各成份互相作用,互相影響,穩定性和吸收度,光破壞和氧化分解⋯等等。這個跟給你食材表,就以爲可以煮出美餸菜一樣的道理!不是天真了一點嗎? Dr James)

The second myth is that mineral oil is comedogenic. Mineral oil is one of the most common ingredients in skin care products and colored cosmetics. It is a lightweight inexpensive oil that is odorless and tasteless. One of the common concerns regarding the use of mineral oil is its presence on several lists of comedogenic substances. These comedogenic lists were developed many years ago yet remain frequently quoted in the dermatologic literature.
Several points are important to consider. First, different grades of mineral oil are available. Industrial grade mineral oil is used as a machine lubricant and is not of the purity required for skin application. Cosmetic grade mineral oil is the purist form without contaminants. Industrial grade mineral oil may be comedogenic, but cosmetic grade mineral oil is not. Quality manufacturers only purchase quality products from quality suppliers who guarantee the standards of the materials they provide. This author considers cosmetic grade mineral oil noncomedogenic based on findings from testing performed for the skin care industry.

礦物油會引致毛孔阻塞和暗瘡? 礦物油以不同的純度分成多個等級,有工業用,也有最潔淨的和沒有用污染物的。後者是不會引致毛孔阻塞和暗瘡,現在的化妝品,都是用它作成份。

The third myth is that sunscreens produce acne. Many patients note the occurrence of breakouts following the use of sunscreens. These patients typically present with perifollicular papules and pustules in a random distribution over the face. Eruptions appear within 24-48 hours after wearing a facial sunscreen. This author has not performed biopsies on patients who develop sunscreen-related acne, but presented below is a hypothesis based on how sunscreens function.
Most sunscreens available today are based primarily on UVB-absorbing ingredients, such as octylmethoxycinnamate, oxybenzone, and homosalate. Many also have UVA-absorbing ingredients, such as avobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide, as secondary sunscreens. All of the UVB sunscreens and avobenzone function by transforming ultraviolet radiation to heat energy through a process known as resonance delocalization. This heat energy is appreciated by many patients who state that they do not like wearing sunscreens because the gels or lotions make them feel hot.
In some patients, the increased sweating induced by the sunscreens and the sunny weather may cause increased activity of the eccrine glands. This may cause miliaria rubra that may be magnified by the occlusive nature of the water-resistant, rub-proof sunscreen product. Thus, much of the problem with sunscreen-induced acne is the formation of papules or pustules around the eccrine duct ostia without the sebaceous gland involvement that characterizes true acne.


Myth Four is that a complex skin care regimen of multiple cleansers, moisturizers, and ancillary skin care products is necessary for clear skin. There are many different approaches to skin care, from the no-nonsense soap-and-water approach to the 20-step skin care routine. No routine is established as better. In Japan, skin care is a complex ritual of multiple cleansers, toners, and moisturizers. The Japanese are also considered to have the most sensitive skin of all races, and the incidence of atopic dermatitis is dramatically rising in Japan. Perhaps this due to the use of extensive skin care products. However, without doubt, the more the skin is manipulated, the more opportunity there is for problems to arise. The best advice may be to recommend moderation in skin care.[22 ]


Myth 5 is that acne breakouts after age 30 years in women are rare and benefit from special skin care. Acne after age 30 years is actually becoming more and more common in women. The cause of this trend is not known, but it appears to be related to fluctuating hormones and the onset of premenopause and perimenopause. This supposition is based on the observation that the acne is not characterized by open and closed comedones, but rather inflammatory papules and pustules. Because these lesions are in the lower epidermis and dermis, special skin care routines cannot have a dramatic effect. Thus, the use of oral antibiotics and hormonal therapies, such as birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy, are the best options for acne control in this population. Cosmetics and skin care products have little effect on this type of acne. Many mature patients mistake this cyclic hormonal acne for acne related to cosmetic product use.


For all purposes, acne cosmetica is a concept of the past, which the industry has done its best to remedy. Skin care manufacturers are keenly aware of the need to test and formulate products without skin side effects. Yet, many acne myths persist. This article has posed possible answers to some of the most common acne myths submitted by several dermatologists.

化妝品引發的暗瘡 ,是舊概念了。現在的護膚品和化妝品生產商, 利用正確的測試, 致力改善產品質素,令使用者用得放心。

Acknowledgement:  Zoe Diana Draelos, MD, Primary Investigator, Dermatology Consulting Services; Private Practice Updated: Apr 30, 2009

防曬 三 (選擇防晒用品 1)

Dr James 選擇防晒用品


1. 防晒乳液﹝分為化學性和物理性的防晒物質﹞
2. 保護衣物﹝較早前提及過﹞
3. 防太陽紫外線傘子
4. 防晒玻璃


化學性防晒物質,就是物質可把有害的紫外線變成無害的光線,大部份都集中處理UVB, 例如Methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, anthralinate… 等 。


我自己則喜歡選擇含物理性的成份,如Zinc Oxide / Titanium dioxide。雖然它會令皮膚有反光及白一點,但它能有效地把UVA及UVB 反射,亦可把紫外線輻射化成熱能。

物理性防晒產品的好處是它對皮膚的親和性, 過敏的機會較少, 不被吸收, 不產生化學作用, 又不受時間或紫外線吸收後變化影響效果。若沒有過多面油或汗水,重複塗搽的次數可減少。


新一代的防晒如 avobenzone (Helioplex by Neutogena), Ecamsule (Mexoryl by L’Oreal),亦能有效地抵擋UVA及UVB。

高防晒度的產品如SPF 50 / 80 PA+++ 都包含化學性和物理性的防晒成份(Methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, Zinc Oxide, titanium dioxide)。利用Micronized 微細化或Nano納米技術把粒子變小,再加上化學性的防晒成份增強處理UVB,令產品有效但比較薄身。

1. 日本的防曬指標PA 則代表有效的UVA 保護。 一定要 PA++ 或 PA+++ 才是理想。在美國,則用一到四粒星,四粒星代表最有效的UVA 保護。

2. SPF = 防UVB的指標,數字越高效果越好。但在美國, 最大是SPF 50+ ,代表產品最少有SPF50或以上的效果,所以不用以高SPF數字為推廣的手法。而日本及法國則容許 SPF 50、SPF 80甚至 SPF 100或更高。 結論是美國的SPF 50+,可能有日本的SPF 100的防晒效果。

4. 有些標榜 SPF數字很高的產品,根本上只可抵擋 UVB,對UVA一點功用也沒有。

5. 不要誤解 SPF 越高的產品一定比低 SPF 油膩。專業的防晒,即使 SPF 80 ,仍十分清爽,可配合戶外活動的狀況及需要。

6. 市面上有些產品還添加一些抗氧化物及美白成份,希望可增加產品的功用。個人意見,對添加物的效用還是不太確定,太陽強光下有可能影響添加物的穩定性及有可能引致皮膚過敏或化學作用。我還是相信單純一點的產品。

7. 還有最好可試用,找出適合自己的產品。 購買時要多加注意成份及含量,最好還是找醫生推介吧。

To be continued …

防曬 一 (晴天,美白天?)
防曬 二 (什麼是紫外線?)
防曬 三 (選擇防晒用品 1)
防曬 四 (選擇防晒用品 2)
防曬 五 (選擇防晒用品 3)
防曬 六 (選擇防晒用品 4)

保護衣物, 防晒玻璃

保護衣物, 防晒玻璃

All Rights reserved by Dr James Clinic. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

防曬 二 (什麼是紫外線?)



最近我發現一個簡單易明的定義,由美國皮膚學會 (American Academy of Dermatology)

“UVA rays are aging rays and UVB rays are burning rays . Excessive exposure to both forms of UV rays can lead to the development of skin cancer.”

紫外線 A (320 – 400 nm)是引致皮膚衰老

紫外線B (290 – 320 nm)引致皮膚曬傷。


美國政府已把太陽或人造來源,例如太陽燈箱的紫外線定為致癌物質 (Cancer causing substance)。


有些誤解,在戶外活動才需要作防曬。雖然大部份的 UVB 已被大氣臭氧層和玻璃窗戶阻隔,但大部份

的 UVA 仍可穿透窗戶。在陰天時仍有 80% 的 UVA 可以穿過雲層。所以不論室內室外、晴天陰天、任何季節、地方都要做足防曬,好好保護皮膚。

紫外線還有 C (紫外線 C 100 – 290 nm),但因極大部份已被臭氧層吸收,所以對皮膚影響輕微。


防曬 一 (晴天,美白天?)
防曬 二 (什麼是紫外線?)
防曬 三 (選擇防晒用品 1)
防曬 四 (選擇防晒用品 2)
防曬 五 (選擇防晒用品 3)
防曬 六 (選擇防晒用品 4)

Green Association by 劉士彰

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