Total Body Modification Dietary Supplements


Total Body Modification TBM Dietary Supplements

Information from TBM Seminars

Edited By Dr. Eknapa Namsirikul, M.D.  (Thailand) 15th January 2018

Translated to Chinese by Dr.James Chan M.D. (Hong Kong)

Calcium 钙 Chelate  (M)1000mg (F)1000mg
  • The most abundant mineral in the body 身体中最丰富的矿物质
  • Required for virtually all physiologic functions 几乎所有的生理功能都需要
  • Ligament, bone, and tendon integrity 韧带,骨骼和肌腱的完整性
  • Vital for development of bones and teeth 对于骨骼和牙齿发育至关重要
  • Plays a crucial role in nerve impulse transmission 在神经冲动传導時至关重要
  • Skeletal, cardiac & smooth muscle contractions 骨骼肌,心脏肌和平滑肌收缩
  • Heart rhythm 正常心律
  • Release of hormones and neurotransmitters  激素和神经递质的释放
  • Helps cholesterol make sex hormones 帮助胆固醇制造性激素
  • Required (along with vitamin K) for blood clot 与维生素K合併用于血块
  • Used by muscles in energy production 用于肌肉製造能源
  • Activation of enzymatic reactions 活化酶促反应
  • Needed for the absorption of vitamin B12 吸收维生素B12時需要
  • Regulates ion transport in your cells 调节细胞内的离子转运
Iodine 碘 (M)150mcg (F)150mcg
  • Antimicrobial (only the bad bugs!) 抗菌
  • Involved in energy production 参与生产能源
  • Involved in nerve function 参与神经功能
  • Required for normal function of thyroid, breast, prostate, kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands, and intestines 甲状腺,乳腺,前列腺,肾脏,脾脏,肝脏,血液,唾液腺和肠道的正常功能需要
  • Needed for the development and functioning of the thyroid glands and hormones 甲状腺和激素的发展和功能必需要的營養
  • Promotes hair and skin growth 促进头发和皮肤生长
  • Maintains healthy breast tissue in women 保持女性健康的乳房组织
  • Relieves pain and soreness associated with fibrocystic breast disease 缓解与纤维囊性乳房疾病相关的疼痛和酸痛
  • Protect against toxic effects of radioactive materials 防止放射性物质的毒性影响
Magnesium 镁  ,Chelate (M)500mg (F)500mg
  • Natural anti-convulsant 天然抗惊厥药
  • Natural tranquilizer 自然镇静剂
  • Can help induce sleep 可以帮助诱导睡眠
  • Relaxes electrical impulses & encourages calmness放松电子冲动,并鼓励冷静
  • Enhance functions of various brain antioxidants 增强各种脑部抗氧化剂功能
  • Assists with nerve function 协助神经功能
  • Assists with skeletal muscle function 协助骨骼肌肉功能
  • Improve muscle strength and endurance 提高肌肉力量和耐力
  • Relaxes muscles 放松肌肉
  • Maintain normal heart rhythm 保持正常的心律
  • May reduce arrhythmia after bypass surgery 可能会减少绕道手术后的心律失常
  • Decreases blood vessel constriction 减少血管收缩
  • Necessary for bone formation 骨骼形成的必要成份
  • Necessary for teeth formation 牙齿形成的必要成份
  • Decreases risk of tooth decay 减少蛀牙的风险
  • Essential to the life of all cells 对所有细胞的生命至关重要
  • Helps heal wounds 帮助治愈伤口
  • Important for functions of immune system 对免疫系统功能很重要
  • Improve glucose uptake by insulin 改善胰岛素对葡萄糖的摄取
  • Metabolizes fats and carbohydrates for energy production 能源從脂肪和碳水化合物代谢而生产
  • Necessary for protein synthesis 蛋白质合成的要素
  • Necessary for steroid hormone production 类固醇激素生产的必要条件
  • Increase HDL  增加HDL
  • Help synthesize and oxidize fatty acids 帮助合成和氧化脂肪酸
  • Prevents production of inflammation-increasing chemicals 防止产生增加炎症的化学物质
  • Removes excess ammonia 去除多余的氨
  • Reduce acidity 降低身体酸度
  • Help prevent labour complications 帮助预防分娩時的并发症
Zinc 锌 (M)30mg (F)20mg
  • Boosts immune defenses 提高免疫力
  • Breaks down and metabolizes proteins 分解和代谢蛋白质
  • Helps assemble proteins inside the cell 帮助在细胞内部装配蛋白质
  • Metabolizes carbohydrates 代谢碳水化合物
  • Helps balance blood sugar levels 有助于平衡血糖水平
  • Decreases the body’s requirement for insulin 降低人体对胰岛素的需求
  • Needed for the formation of bone and skin 需要形成骨骼和皮肤
  • Essential component of hormones 激素的基本成分
  • Promotes thyroid activity 促进甲状腺活动
  • Thyroid function (convert T4 to T3) 甲状腺功能(将T4转换为T3)
  • Contribute to a healthy prostate 有助于保持前列腺的健康
  • Inhibits the enzyme that reduces levels of DHT 抑制降低DHT水平的酶
  • Related to sexual maturation 与性成熟有关
  • Essential for fertility and reproduction 对生育和繁殖至关重要
  • Is an antioxidant—Has anti-inflammatory effects 一种抗氧化剂 – 具有抗炎作用
  • Important component of superoxide dismutase, an essential antioxidant 超氧化物歧化酶是一种重要的抗氧化剂
  • Helps absorption of vitamin A 有助于维生素A的吸收
  • Transports vitamin A to retinas, thereby improving night vision 运输维生素A到视网膜,从而改善夜间视力
  • Enhance the biochemical actions of vitamin D 增强维生素D的生化作用
  • Necessary for the proper maintenance of vitamin E 必須用於适当维持维生素E
  • Helps stabilize cell membrane and structures within the cell 有助于稳定细胞内的细胞膜和结构
  • Essential for cell division and replication of both DNA and RNA 对DNA和RNA的细胞分裂和复制至关重要
  • Improves taste and appetite 改善味道和食欲
Selenium 硒 Chelate (M)200mcg (F)200mcg
  • Helps prevent cancer (due to its role in DNA repair) 有助于预防癌症(由于其在DNA修复中的作用)
  • Works with Vitamin E as an antioxidant 与维生素E作为一种抗氧化剂
  • Reduces inflammation 减少炎症
  • May prevent heart disease 可能预防心脏病
  • Involved in thyroid function 参与甲状腺功能
  • Needed for immune system 免疫系统需要的
  • Reduces heavy metal toxicity and detoxification 减少重金属毒性和解毒
Coenzyme Q10 輔酶  Ubiquinol (M)100mg (F)100mg
Vitamin 维生素B6 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (M)150mg (F)300mg
  • Detoxifies chemicals 解毒化学物质
  • Key to the synthesis of several neurotransmitters, including the metabolism of tryptophan to serotonin 几种神经递质的合成的关键,色氨酸代谢为5-羟色胺
  • Needed for the absorption of fats and proteins 吸收脂肪和蛋白质時需要
  • Involved strengthening connective tissue 参与加强结缔组织
  • Needed for REM sleep REM睡眠需要
  • Needed for the immune system 需要免疫系统
  • Needed for the production of HCl acid 生产盐酸時需要
  • Needed for the transfer of amino groups 转移氨基酸時需要
  • Used in the metabolism of amino acids 用于氨基酸的代谢
  • Used in the methylation process, which lowers homocysteine levels (high level —> risk factor for heart diseased memory loss) 用于降低同型半胱氨酸水平的甲基化过程(高水平 – >心脏疾病记忆丧失的风险因素)
Vitamin 维生素B12 Cyanocobalamin (M)1000mcg (F)1000mcg
Vitamin 维生素 C (M)1000mg (F)1000mg
Vitamin  维生素 D3 (M)5,000 IU (F)5,000 IU
  • Aids in the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract有助于从肠道吸收钙
  • Helps the body assimilate phosphorus 帮助身体吸收磷
  • Helps the pancreas release insulin 帮助胰腺释放胰岛素
  • Necessary for blood clotting 血液凝结必要的
  • Necessary for growth and development of bones and teeth 骨骼和牙齿的生长和发育必要的
  • Necessary  for thyroid function 甲状腺功能必要
  • Stimulates bone cell mineralization 刺激骨细胞矿化
  • Necessary for immune function and cancer prevention 预防免疫功能和癌症
Vitamin 维生素 E
  • Can stop cholesterol-like substances from damaging your blood vessels, which can cause heart disease or strokes 可以阻止胆固醇样物质损害血管,这可能会导致心脏病或中风
  • Fight inflammation 抗炎
  • Reverse plaque build-up 反向积聚斑块
  • Improve action of insulin 改善胰岛素的作用
  • Increase your immune system 增強免疫系统
  • Reduce risk of cancer 降低癌症的风险
  • Help prevent lung, esophageal & colorectal cancer 预防肺癌,食道癌和结肠癌
  • Help prevent Alzheimer’s disease 帮助预防阿尔茨海默病
  • Needed by ovaries to function properly 卵巢需要正常运作
  • Can act as estrogen substitute and relieve hot flashes 可以作为雌激素替代品,缓解潮热
  • Help relieve atrophic vaginitis 帮助减轻萎缩性阴道炎
  • Protect vitamin A and increase its storage 保护维生素A并增加其储存
  • Inhibit planet adhesion 抑制行星粘附
Essential Fatty Acids 重要脂肪酸 Fish oil (EPA180/DHA120)(M)2000mg soft gel (F)2000mg soft gel
  • Crucial for brain functions 大脑功能的关键
  • May protect against heart disease 可以预防心脏病
  • Decrease arrhythmias 减少心律失常
  • Decrease inflammation 减少炎症
  • Diminish build-up of plaque in arteries 减少动脉斑块的积聚
  • Enhance insulin function 增强胰岛素功能
  • Help convert nutrients from food into usable form of energy 帮助将食物中的营养物质转换成可用的能量形式
  • Important for mitochondrial function —> energy 重要的线粒体功能 – >能量
  • Improve immune function 提高免疫功能
  • Involved in cell-to-cell communication 参与细胞间通信
  • Lower blood pressure 降低血压
  • Lower triglycerides 降低甘油三酯
  • Make blood less sticky and less likely to clot in dangerous places 使血液变得不粘稠,不易凝固在危险的地方
  • May decrease homocysteine —> reducing heart disease 可能会降低同型半胱氨酸 – >减少心脏病
  • Necessary for normal development and function of your adrenal glands, brain, eyes, inner ear, and reproductive tract 肾上腺,脑,眼睛,内耳和生殖道正常发育和功能的必要条件
  • Need to make certain prostaglandins (hormones which affect inflammation, decrease menstrual cramps, and increase immune function) 需要使某些前列腺素(激素影响炎症,减少月经来潮,增加免疫功能)


Pumpkin Seed Oil 南瓜籽油 (M) 2000mg soft gel
  • Reduce inflammation 减少炎症
  • Nutritional aid for cancer patients 援助癌症患者营养
  • Good for prostate health 对前列腺健康有益
  • Encourages mental well-being 鼓励精神健康
  • Fights hair loss in men 对抗男士脱发
  • Great for heart health 对心脏健康有益
  • Treats diabetes 治療糖尿病
  • Soothes overactive bladder 舒缓膀胱过度活动
  • Helps detoxification in men 帮助男士排毒
Anti-Oxidants 抗氧化剂
  • Zinc, Selenium, Iodine 锌,硒,碘
  • Essential fatty acids 必需脂肪酸
  • N-Acethyl-Cysteine N-乙基半胱氨酸 – > Glutathione 谷胱甘肽
  • Melatonin 退黑激素
  • Astaxanthin 虾青素

TBM 营养补充的概念

在 Total Body Modification TBM 治疗 为何包含各类重要的微营养 Micro-nutrients、 Anti-oxidants 抗氧化物补充剂、益生菌等?好像每天要服用很多药丸般的营养。还要分早晚,餐前餐后 … 真的有需要吗?长期服用,有机会过量摄取,产生危险吗?

TBM 治疗前后,会按病情需,利用各种非药物类营养补充剂的组合,支持身体各器官基本功能,令受损组织自我修复,强化身体免疫系统及有助增强排毒,减慢病程恶化,加速康复及痊愈。所以是 TBM 不能缺少的工具 !

TBM 特别之处,不单只是建意补充那些营养,还有需要的份量,服食时间,要服用多久。更可测试所补充营养的质量与病人身体是否配合,可在众多同类的营养配方中,选取最适合病人服用的配方。可以说是补充营养精凖指南,要服食的都是有需要及对病程治疗有正面作用的。



生活压力、睡眠不足、疾病、吸箊、污染、环境因素 … 等消耗额外的微营养。
当然不只这些,还有很多很多原因 …



顺带一提,日常饮食或正常补充微营养的份量,很难到达对身体有害的水平。换句话说,身体处理这些微营养的能力很高。例如,一般每天所需的维生素C ,是数百毫克。在抗癌时,一天服用二万毫克,也没有问题。 当然不是要大家,服用大量补充剂。最理想,当然是从每天的食物中,获得足够的营养。


說到这里,好像还没有说明解释什么是 Total Body Modification TBM ? !

Cosmedical高廸醫學美容 十週年

祝 COSMEDICAL 公司業務蒸蒸日上,生意興隆。

医学美容 課題 (黑眼圏的處理 一 )
医学美容 課題 (黑眼圏的處理 二 )
医学美容 課題 (黑眼圏的處理 三 )
黑眼圈四 (有用眼霜的習慣嗎?)

Keynote on multi-technology platforms by VIORA

I was grateful to be invited to participate in the annual company training of VIORA machine manufacturer from Israel. The meeting was held at lovely ‘Movenpick Resort’ in Phuket, Thailand on May 26 ~ 28, 2016.

This was my first business trip traveling with colleagues of Good Union Company

Stunning scenery from my room

This was an old slide about development of a fractional radio frequency machine. I presented it once in 2012 and used this slide again as the first of my keynote presentation.


It was my first time to join VIORA company event and I had prepared a 30 minutes keynote presentation to share with colleagues about design concept, applications and unique features of the latest innovations of multi-technology platform series, e.g. V10 V20 and V30 with interchangeable hand pieces for skin tightening, fractional RF resurfacing with SVC (Switching-Vacuum-Cooling), long pulse 1064nm Nd:YAG laser with PCR (PulseConfiguRythm™ Control), Intense Pulse lights with PCR (PulseConfiguRythm™ Control), e.g. V-ST, V-FR, V-Nd:YAG, V-IPL and the latest developed and my new favorite for non-invasive body contouring (BC) and skin tightening V-FORM hand pieces (HP) with Multi-CORE and ABS (Anti-burn system).

V-FORM BC HP can be connected to large and small size of tips for treatment. Apart from a very unique appearance of hard ware design, the large size V-FORM BC HP has very large area coverage 97×83 mm2. The new Multi-CORE system and Anti-burn system allow RF energy to penetrate deeply and produce large volume of homogeneous warming inside subcutaneous fat layer at 3 cm from skin surface without causing epidermal injury and patient’s discomfort. Total treatment time of whole abdomen of average size Chinese can be as short as 20 minutes. It is very suitable as lunch time procedure.

One of most difficult presentation I have ever made 2 years ago. I wanted to ease our life, limited the scope of aesthetic medicine and suggested an approach on practice of aesthetic medicine.


A simplified idea of polymodal balanced approach in combination of aesthetic procedures.


I first presented the concept of application of ‘a poly-modal balanced approach’ on aesthetic medicine in 2009. At that time, most of aesthetic treatments are based on a single modality. For example, IPL or 800nm Diode laser for hair removal, fractional non-ablative laser resurfacing for skin rejuvenation. A stand alone machine can provide treatment for a few indications. Combination of different machine treatments or modalities was not common.

There were another type of machines called all-in-one machines. A machine with a few applicators or modules combining together as a unit. More treatment can be provided. However, mostly the size of all-in- one machine was big and its hard ware was not up-gradable. If there was malfunctioning of a module, the whole machine should be sent for repair.

Therefore I purposed a new concept of machine design, multi-technology platforms based on ‘the concept of poly-modal balanced approach’ It was my dream for many years. All applicators can be plugged in and interchangeable for usage.

It is difficult to rely on a single treatment modality to treat a diseased or ageing skin condition in all patients with all skin color types.

As a result, a well designed complete aesthetic platform should consist of multiple modalities to successfully manage any skin conditions within an individual and patients with different skin color I to VI. Therefore, patients can be treated in a rational, ethical and cost-effective way and not subjected to unnecessary side effects of treatments or prolonged treatment duration.

An aesthetic multi-technology platform works as a central unit of energy supply.
For example, it should provide various kinds of energies such as radio frequency energy, lasers and light energy.

All radio frequency energy dependent (RF-dependent) hand pieces (HPs) or applicators are connected to the universal RF connector of the platform. Same as lasers and IPL HPs which are plugged into Laser energy universal connector or IPL connector, respectively.

Newly developed application HPs can be easily add-on to the platform via same universal connectors.

Therefore, multi-technology platform is up-gradable in both hard wares and softwares, functionally expandable and more economical in space and money.

V-series (V10, V20 & V30) Platforms by VIORA are examples of multi-technology platforms.

For example: Unwanted hair removal
Both Nd:YAG 1064nm lasers and IPL with 570nm and 630nm filter are applied
Hand pieces: V-Nd:YAG laser HP and V-IPL HP. Both of them have PulseConfigRythm system which can make the light or laser pulse as single pulse, a train of multiple sub-pulses or rapid pulses of low fluence. More time for heat dispersion is suitable to darker skin type. In addition to very effective water cooling system to keep the glass tip of both V-IPL and V-Nd:YAG HP at 5C, pain, risk of epidermal thermal injury and post-inflammation hyper-pigmentation are minimized.
V-IPL 570nm for average hair on lighter skin
V-IPL 630nm for hair on darker skin type
V-Nd:YAG 1064nm laser for dark hair with hair follicles inside deep dermal region
Modalities are enough to remove unwanted hair thin to thick, sparse to dense, and different skin color type I to VI.

By means of a Multi-technology Platform V30 by VIORA, multiple skin conditions can be managed.

I received a gift from Dr. Inna who is the clinical director of VIORA


An official photo from VIORA. I was very grateful to participate in this annual event and made friends with colleagues all over the world. Thank you very much for all arrangement of this wonderful gathering.


Uncle Koala said 'Yeah, well done'


8th Anniversary is coming.


我把这些都一一记录下来,放在诊所的网站内 。看不到? 就放在 ‘PRESS‘ 或 ‘媒体‘ 那一栏,点击一下吧!

There is a list in DR JAMES CLINIC official website which records my work in these years. -> ‘PRESS
Clinical work, teaching, speeches, TV program, media events…etc.
I m so glad I can meet so many doctors, colleagues and friends all over the world. I am so blessed to have your love.
In the future, I will keep learning and contribute more to the society.


1. 補充日常不足的蛋白質攝取量
2. 針對運動量較高人士,如專業運動員,重量訓練人士,增加 Lean Body Mass。因為日常飲食,較難獲得足夠的蛋白質。同樣的體形,每週三小時運動量比沒有運動人士,需要近兩倍的蛋白質!
3. 減肥,以高蛋白質飲料,代替每日正餐或副餐的食療 (一日五餐的抗衰老食療原則)。

不要認為,用高蛋白飲料減肥,就是很簡單地用高蛋白飲料,代替日常食物,便可達到減肥效果。因為沒有代餐,可完全代替正常飲食。還要配合進食時間,大量水份,並補充身體所需的微營養如多種維生素,礦物質 (如鉀,鈉,鎂,鈣等),這些補充礦物質,也不是一日幾顆藥丸,那麼簡單。再按進度,加入其它適當的食物,才能健康地減肥。
口氣 (特別在療程初期)
高蛋白食療,每天攝取熱量可低於1000卡路里 (Very Low Calorie Diet VLCD)。是正常的一半! 高蛋白飲料的減肥食療效果顯著 (初期每週可減兩公斤),可是要注意的也不少。









這是四份蛋白,即14克純蛋白。蕃茄汁含 高抗氧化 lycopene。




白米飯,高 GI,浪費進食空間。




健身教練的話真的有說服力,難怪 Amanda 那麽愛健身⋯教練,真的要好好學習。




「健康減肥」一天吃五餐 (再分享)

要知道每天應攝取食物的份量和種類,及懂得把食物分配,才能保持美好身材。目的是,按我們每天的活躍程度,把熱量平均分配。盡量把血糖控制在穩定的水平。之前有說過,每當進食後,血糖便會上升,並引發胰島素的產生,胰島素使血糖下降,變成肝糖和脂肪。還有當每餐進食過多時,身體需額外能量把食物消化,令人疲倦和睡意,也會產生較多的氧化物和自由基,增加糖化作用 (glycation) ,破壞身體組織,引致衰老。



當經過一整睌的睡眠後,我們的血糖便會在較低的水平,這樣胰高血糖激素(glucagon)和其它壓力激素 (stress hormones) 會上升,令血糖上升,和引致身體的肝糖,脂肪和蛋白質分解。蛋白質的分解也是衰老的原因。所以建議,在起床後一小時內進食早餐。同樣,饑餓跟過飽一樣不好,不希望睡前有飢餓的感覺。建議:每天最後一餐應在睡前兩小時。
對呀,我也沒百份百跟從 (睡前兩小時進食)因為我的晚餐一般都比較豐富。

剛剛過去的週末,TVB 在 J2 台播放了,自己有份做嘉賓的綜藝節目 「姊妹淘」第十三集。內容是「健康減肥」。短短的數分鐘時間,當然不能把全部抗衰老及減肥餐單的精髓,解釋清楚。在節目內容中,也提及「一天吃五餐」的原因。


減肥瘦身的健康餐單-下 TVB J2 姊妹淘 2012年2月4日

有沒有標準餐單? 各人的年紀體形各異,體質,生活習慣,運動量活躍度各有不同,可接受的減肥速度也是不一樣。很難跟大家說,早午晚餐應該要吃什麼? 所以提供健康的食物表作參考 (沒有在節目上提供),還要避開不良的食物。抗衰老食疗-1(抗衰老食疗的基本原则)按照健康食療的要點和守則 (一日五餐,慢吃 ⋯等),讓各人自由選擇和分配。這樣的食療,才是可跟從和正確合用的「減肥餐單」! 緊記,在減肥瘦身的同時,要保持足夠的微營養

Protein 蛋白質

良好碳水化合物 一

良好碳水化合物 二



若大家有興趣知道自己的脂肪比例,可以電郵給我。我會盡量回覆。 自己昨天也有收看姊妹淘節目,拍下一些照片,跟大家分享。希望沒有叔叔跟少女聊天的感覺?在她們面前,絕對有資格稱呼我一聲 Uncle! 用醫生專家身份參與節目,表現確實有點「太正經」。有醫生形象包袱嘛! 希望在未來的節目,可以跟大家輕輕鬆鬆地,說笑聊天。 Dr James 不只會說醫學美容,也可說「靚」,也會說冷笑話 (爛 GAG)。哈哈!

Seabie Chan ( Seabie 姐 ) Dr James Clinic 主管
Chris Chau Makeup Artist @ ZING
Junichi Ishimoto Hair Stylist @ Private i Salon The Luxe

減肥瘦身的健康餐單 上 TVB J2 姊妹淘 2012年2月4日
減肥瘦身的健康餐單-下 TVB J2 姊妹淘 2012年2月4日
TVB J2 姊妹淘一 第13集 – 健康減肥法 2011年7月
塑身的元素 Components of Body Contouring
減肥塑身 一 (橙皮脂肪的影響)
華娛衛視 「教主來了」 醫學美容篇 自體脂肪移植手術 (豐胸) 之二
華娛衛視 「教主來了」 醫學美容篇 之 自體脂肪移植手術 (傳統抽脂) 之一
華娛衛視 「教主來了」醫學美容篇 之 雷射溶脂 (二)
華娛衛視 「教主來了」醫學美容篇 之 雷射溶脂 (一)


無論顏色、質地、 味道(提子香味),感覺都相當不俗。
提子精華(Grape Seed extract, Vitis vinifera),含65% polyphenols,它的高抗氧化來自含豐富的Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPLS) 和 Resveratrol。
它有強勁的抗氧化能力,抗炎、止痕癢、抗敏感、抗癌、抗基因變種的功能,也可以增加毛髮健康生長, 幫助傷口復原, 對抗紫外線的傷害。
還有穩定皮膚,減少軟組織的流失, 對手術後消炎、消腫也有幫助。
茄紅素 (Lycopene),它的抗氧化功能是維生素E 的 2000倍

提子精華grape seed extract, vitis vinifera

茄紅素 Lycopene

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