Total Body Modification TBM Dietary Supplements
Information from TBM Seminars
Edited By Dr. Eknapa Namsirikul, M.D. (Thailand) 15th January 2018
Translated to Chinese by Dr.James Chan M.D. (Hong Kong) |
Calcium 钙 Chelate (M)1000mg (F)1000mg |
- The most abundant mineral in the body 身体中最丰富的矿物质
- Required for virtually all physiologic functions 几乎所有的生理功能都需要
- Ligament, bone, and tendon integrity 韧带,骨骼和肌腱的完整性
- Vital for development of bones and teeth 对于骨骼和牙齿发育至关重要
- Plays a crucial role in nerve impulse transmission 在神经冲动传導時至关重要
- Skeletal, cardiac & smooth muscle contractions 骨骼肌,心脏肌和平滑肌收缩
- Heart rhythm 正常心律
- Release of hormones and neurotransmitters 激素和神经递质的释放
- Helps cholesterol make sex hormones 帮助胆固醇制造性激素
- Required (along with vitamin K) for blood clot 与维生素K合併用于血块
- Used by muscles in energy production 用于肌肉製造能源
- Activation of enzymatic reactions 活化酶促反应
- Needed for the absorption of vitamin B12 吸收维生素B12時需要
- Regulates ion transport in your cells 调节细胞内的离子转运
Iodine 碘 (M)150mcg (F)150mcg |
- Antimicrobial (only the bad bugs!) 抗菌
- Involved in energy production 参与生产能源
- Involved in nerve function 参与神经功能
- Required for normal function of thyroid, breast, prostate, kidneys, spleen, liver, blood, salivary glands, and intestines 甲状腺,乳腺,前列腺,肾脏,脾脏,肝脏,血液,唾液腺和肠道的正常功能需要
- Needed for the development and functioning of the thyroid glands and hormones 甲状腺和激素的发展和功能必需要的營養
- Promotes hair and skin growth 促进头发和皮肤生长
- Maintains healthy breast tissue in women 保持女性健康的乳房组织
- Relieves pain and soreness associated with fibrocystic breast disease 缓解与纤维囊性乳房疾病相关的疼痛和酸痛
- Protect against toxic effects of radioactive materials 防止放射性物质的毒性影响
Magnesium 镁 ,Chelate (M)500mg (F)500mg |
- Natural anti-convulsant 天然抗惊厥药
- Natural tranquilizer 自然镇静剂
- Can help induce sleep 可以帮助诱导睡眠
- Relaxes electrical impulses & encourages calmness放松电子冲动,并鼓励冷静
- Enhance functions of various brain antioxidants 增强各种脑部抗氧化剂功能
- Assists with nerve function 协助神经功能
- Assists with skeletal muscle function 协助骨骼肌肉功能
- Improve muscle strength and endurance 提高肌肉力量和耐力
- Relaxes muscles 放松肌肉
- Maintain normal heart rhythm 保持正常的心律
- May reduce arrhythmia after bypass surgery 可能会减少绕道手术后的心律失常
- Decreases blood vessel constriction 减少血管收缩
- Necessary for bone formation 骨骼形成的必要成份
- Necessary for teeth formation 牙齿形成的必要成份
- Decreases risk of tooth decay 减少蛀牙的风险
- Essential to the life of all cells 对所有细胞的生命至关重要
- Helps heal wounds 帮助治愈伤口
- Important for functions of immune system 对免疫系统功能很重要
- Improve glucose uptake by insulin 改善胰岛素对葡萄糖的摄取
- Metabolizes fats and carbohydrates for energy production 能源從脂肪和碳水化合物代谢而生产
- Necessary for protein synthesis 蛋白质合成的要素
- Necessary for steroid hormone production 类固醇激素生产的必要条件
- Increase HDL 增加HDL
- Help synthesize and oxidize fatty acids 帮助合成和氧化脂肪酸
- Prevents production of inflammation-increasing chemicals 防止产生增加炎症的化学物质
- Removes excess ammonia 去除多余的氨
- Reduce acidity 降低身体酸度
- Help prevent labour complications 帮助预防分娩時的并发症
Zinc 锌 (M)30mg (F)20mg |
- Boosts immune defenses 提高免疫力
- Breaks down and metabolizes proteins 分解和代谢蛋白质
- Helps assemble proteins inside the cell 帮助在细胞内部装配蛋白质
- Metabolizes carbohydrates 代谢碳水化合物
- Helps balance blood sugar levels 有助于平衡血糖水平
- Decreases the body’s requirement for insulin 降低人体对胰岛素的需求
- Needed for the formation of bone and skin 需要形成骨骼和皮肤
- Essential component of hormones 激素的基本成分
- Promotes thyroid activity 促进甲状腺活动
- Thyroid function (convert T4 to T3) 甲状腺功能(将T4转换为T3)
- Contribute to a healthy prostate 有助于保持前列腺的健康
- Inhibits the enzyme that reduces levels of DHT 抑制降低DHT水平的酶
- Related to sexual maturation 与性成熟有关
- Essential for fertility and reproduction 对生育和繁殖至关重要
- Is an antioxidant—Has anti-inflammatory effects 一种抗氧化剂 – 具有抗炎作用
- Important component of superoxide dismutase, an essential antioxidant 超氧化物歧化酶是一种重要的抗氧化剂
- Helps absorption of vitamin A 有助于维生素A的吸收
- Transports vitamin A to retinas, thereby improving night vision 运输维生素A到视网膜,从而改善夜间视力
- Enhance the biochemical actions of vitamin D 增强维生素D的生化作用
- Necessary for the proper maintenance of vitamin E 必須用於适当维持维生素E
- Helps stabilize cell membrane and structures within the cell 有助于稳定细胞内的细胞膜和结构
- Essential for cell division and replication of both DNA and RNA 对DNA和RNA的细胞分裂和复制至关重要
- Improves taste and appetite 改善味道和食欲
Selenium 硒 Chelate (M)200mcg (F)200mcg |
- Helps prevent cancer (due to its role in DNA repair) 有助于预防癌症(由于其在DNA修复中的作用)
- Works with Vitamin E as an antioxidant 与维生素E作为一种抗氧化剂
- Reduces inflammation 减少炎症
- May prevent heart disease 可能预防心脏病
- Involved in thyroid function 参与甲状腺功能
- Needed for immune system 免疫系统需要的
- Reduces heavy metal toxicity and detoxification 减少重金属毒性和解毒
Coenzyme Q10 輔酶 Ubiquinol (M)100mg (F)100mg |
Vitamin 维生素B6 Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (M)150mg (F)300mg |
- Detoxifies chemicals 解毒化学物质
- Key to the synthesis of several neurotransmitters, including the metabolism of tryptophan to serotonin 几种神经递质的合成的关键,色氨酸代谢为5-羟色胺
- Needed for the absorption of fats and proteins 吸收脂肪和蛋白质時需要
- Involved strengthening connective tissue 参与加强结缔组织
- Needed for REM sleep REM睡眠需要
- Needed for the immune system 需要免疫系统
- Needed for the production of HCl acid 生产盐酸時需要
- Needed for the transfer of amino groups 转移氨基酸時需要
- Used in the metabolism of amino acids 用于氨基酸的代谢
- Used in the methylation process, which lowers homocysteine levels (high level —> risk factor for heart diseased memory loss) 用于降低同型半胱氨酸水平的甲基化过程(高水平 – >心脏疾病记忆丧失的风险因素)
Vitamin 维生素B12 Cyanocobalamin (M)1000mcg (F)1000mcg |
Vitamin 维生素 C (M)1000mg (F)1000mg |
Vitamin 维生素 D3 (M)5,000 IU (F)5,000 IU |
- Aids in the absorption of calcium from the intestinal tract有助于从肠道吸收钙
- Helps the body assimilate phosphorus 帮助身体吸收磷
- Helps the pancreas release insulin 帮助胰腺释放胰岛素
- Necessary for blood clotting 血液凝结必要的
- Necessary for growth and development of bones and teeth 骨骼和牙齿的生长和发育必要的
- Necessary for thyroid function 甲状腺功能必要
- Stimulates bone cell mineralization 刺激骨细胞矿化
- Necessary for immune function and cancer prevention 预防免疫功能和癌症
Vitamin 维生素 E |
- Can stop cholesterol-like substances from damaging your blood vessels, which can cause heart disease or strokes 可以阻止胆固醇样物质损害血管,这可能会导致心脏病或中风
- Fight inflammation 抗炎
- Reverse plaque build-up 反向积聚斑块
- Improve action of insulin 改善胰岛素的作用
- Increase your immune system 增強免疫系统
- Reduce risk of cancer 降低癌症的风险
- Help prevent lung, esophageal & colorectal cancer 预防肺癌,食道癌和结肠癌
- Help prevent Alzheimer’s disease 帮助预防阿尔茨海默病
- Needed by ovaries to function properly 卵巢需要正常运作
- Can act as estrogen substitute and relieve hot flashes 可以作为雌激素替代品,缓解潮热
- Help relieve atrophic vaginitis 帮助减轻萎缩性阴道炎
- Protect vitamin A and increase its storage 保护维生素A并增加其储存
- Inhibit planet adhesion 抑制行星粘附
Essential Fatty Acids 重要脂肪酸 Fish oil (EPA180/DHA120)(M)2000mg soft gel (F)2000mg soft gel |
- Crucial for brain functions 大脑功能的关键
- May protect against heart disease 可以预防心脏病
- Decrease arrhythmias 减少心律失常
- Decrease inflammation 减少炎症
- Diminish build-up of plaque in arteries 减少动脉斑块的积聚
- Enhance insulin function 增强胰岛素功能
- Help convert nutrients from food into usable form of energy 帮助将食物中的营养物质转换成可用的能量形式
- Important for mitochondrial function —> energy 重要的线粒体功能 – >能量
- Improve immune function 提高免疫功能
- Involved in cell-to-cell communication 参与细胞间通信
- Lower blood pressure 降低血压
- Lower triglycerides 降低甘油三酯
- Make blood less sticky and less likely to clot in dangerous places 使血液变得不粘稠,不易凝固在危险的地方
- May decrease homocysteine —> reducing heart disease 可能会降低同型半胱氨酸 – >减少心脏病
- Necessary for normal development and function of your adrenal glands, brain, eyes, inner ear, and reproductive tract 肾上腺,脑,眼睛,内耳和生殖道正常发育和功能的必要条件
- Need to make certain prostaglandins (hormones which affect inflammation, decrease menstrual cramps, and increase immune function) 需要使某些前列腺素(激素影响炎症,减少月经来潮,增加免疫功能)
Pumpkin Seed Oil 南瓜籽油 (M) 2000mg soft gel |
- Reduce inflammation 减少炎症
- Nutritional aid for cancer patients 援助癌症患者营养
- Good for prostate health 对前列腺健康有益
- Encourages mental well-being 鼓励精神健康
- Fights hair loss in men 对抗男士脱发
- Great for heart health 对心脏健康有益
- Treats diabetes 治療糖尿病
- Soothes overactive bladder 舒缓膀胱过度活动
- Helps detoxification in men 帮助男士排毒
Anti-Oxidants 抗氧化剂 |
- Zinc, Selenium, Iodine 锌,硒,碘
- Essential fatty acids 必需脂肪酸
- N-Acethyl-Cysteine N-乙基半胱氨酸 – > Glutathione 谷胱甘肽
- Melatonin 退黑激素
- Astaxanthin 虾青素