Although look may be only one part of who we are and the feeling of looking your best can be a real confidence booster, looking your best doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.
So I have some few basic tips that really work for everyone, you should try these steps:

Beauty Tip #1: Cleanser
If you’re a "soap and water" person, think again on your cleansing strategy. The best beauty tips around is to use the gentlest cleanser you can find.
While the temptation may be great to wash your face several times a day (or more if skin is oily), not only will over-cleansing not help you, if you’re using a harsh product like soap, you could be harming your skin.
Washing your face too often (more than twice a day) can damage the natural lipid barrier, the protective mantle of lubrication that keeps skin looking and feeling healthy.Once that protection is lost, and the integrity of the skin barrier disrupted, skin becomes dry – which means it can crack, peel, itch, burn, sting, or any combination. It also means you can look older than your years.
The best solution is to wash skin no more than twice a day and choose your cleanser wisely.

Beauty Tip #2: Moisturizing
Whether if you have dry, normal, or oily, best spent money on beauty product will be moisturizer. The best way to take care of your skin is simply a good moisturizer and a mild cleanser for your face. When your skin is dry up it can cause accentuated wrinkle, making you look older. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, moisturizers will give you some of the protection you need to keep skin from prematurely aging. Is the best product that really beneficial and well spent in all types of products in the market.
So what exactly is a "good" moisturizer?

A product that will do anything from gently adding moisture. To sealing in the moisture you’ve achieved, to helping your skin produce more moisture. This depends on your skin’s individual needs.
If skin is normal to dry, look for moisturizers containing alpha hydroxy acids. They can help skin produce more moisture on its own.
If skin is very dry, the best moisturizer will need to have vesicular emulsion.This technology uses microscopic spheres that are alternating layers of moisture and water that slowly release throughout the day, so you get continual moisturization.
If skin is oily, look for a light, gentle moisturizer, but don’t skip this step, just because your skin is oily. Oil does not mean moisture, and even if you have excess oil you still need moisturizer.

Beauty Tip #3: Sunscreen Protection
Before you go out to see a doctor or spending excessive amount of money on anti-aging products, protect your skin first.
While everyone knows that UV can cause skin and lip cancer, did you know the best way to protect yourself, the amazing beauty secret that can help you looking young and healthy, is using sunscreen protection in your moisturizer and lip balm.
Sunscreen blocks out the sun’s damaging rays, it also blocks their aging effects.
The sun impacts collagen production in the skin, and without collagen, skin won’t naturally maintain that plump, moist, youthful, wrinkle-free look. So being out in the sun exposure everyday our skin will wrinkle long before its time.
Without the protection of sunscreen, just a few minutes of daily sun exposure over the years can cause noticeable changes in how skin looks and feels.
Not only will you see more wrinkles and fine lines, but also more freckles, age spots, and spider veins. Skin itself can look rough, leathery or loose and slack, thanks to the sun.
Sunscreen can protect your skin from these damaging rays, so that even if you do spend time outdoors, your face is less likely to give away your age.
Choosing a sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher will be the best to help break down the sun effectiveness over time, if you’re going to be in direct sunlight for an extended period, reapply every two or three hours.
The best suggestion I believe is use your regular sunscreen before putting on makeup (it should go on first, before anything). Then, for touch-ups, use a light, translucent mineral powder to add extra protection throughout the day.
Lastly, protecting your lips, not everyone remember to protect their delicate lips because we do not notice how important it is. Lips are very thin and fragile part of the face, easily to get burn, yet many people do not think of protecting them from the sun. If you replace your regular lip balm with sun safe lip balm, you can play in the sun without worrying about peeling, drying and wrinkling up.

Beauty Tip #4: Using the Right Tools for the Right Job
Although we may spend excessive amount of money on the best eyeshadow, foundation and a bronzer. If you do not have the right tools to apply them, their benefits will be lost.
Brushes should be soft and feel gentle on the skin, but also have substance so the product can be moved to the surface of your skin. If you dip a brush in a shadow or blush and the color falls off before you make it to your face, that’s a bad brush.
So spending on some good quality makeup brushes are important and remember does not matter the cost of the tool, find a soft texture brushes that will not harm or damage the skin surface. We should all know our face can be easily damage from harsh materials.

Beauty Tip #5: Update Your Hair and Makeup Every 2 Years or Less
Ideally, your image, including hair and makeup, should be updated at least every two years and sooner if the styles change dramatically. If you cannot even remember the last time you changed your hair and makeup, its way overdue.
I advise everyone to be up to date on the styles and trends. Not only in beauty supplies, but showing off all your healthy protective skin, makeup and style can make you outstanding than everyone else. By keeping your looks and style up to date help boost your confident, looking younger and more modern.
Written By Miss P @ Dr James Clinic