Machine Wonderland

There were so many machines coming to my clinic in the past 8 years.
They were all stylish, lovely and ‘sexy’ because I invited them to be here.
Some of them were super powerful and the other were gentle and comfortable.
They were all top quality created by genius groups and had the highest safety and clinical proven efficacy.
When we first met, they were all new born babies. Those lucky grew and became superstars but some may silently leave us for different reasons.
However, I knew they were all good babies and have contributed to this Universe and improved the quality of life of human being.
Some of them have stayed with me for long long time but most of them stayed here just briefly.
No matter long or short period of time, I knew the purpose was to teach and inspire me.
Maybe you were one of the lucky people who have been connected with these lovely babies and became ‘baby’ again.
I am grateful and thankful to have all these babies in my life and Machine Wonderland of DR JAMES CLINIC.
I will never forget anyone of them. I will continuously let more people know there are such precious babies in this lovely world.
PS: It is my luxury space to enjoy chocolate with love, gelato with overloaded marshmallow (happiness), cakes with sweet heart.

先來定義,何謂儀器樂園?應該個充滿不同種類,不同功能的儀器,解決各様美麗要求。儀器都有專人照顧。不論為了什麼原因進來,都希望找到自己快樂,並帶著滿足的笑容離開。我是這樣希望的! 在香港中環市中心,但沒有鬧市的嘈吵,也沒有令人不安的痛苦聲。地方不大,但訪客都感覺舒服,這就是多年來,不斷有世界頂尖醫美科技進出的地方。 有些儀器威力強大,有些則温柔舒服。都是由一群群天才發明家和設計家共同創造而成的高科技,以最高標凖的安全性和臨床醫學測試確認的療效。 最初相遇的時候,它們還是剛出生的嬰兒。有些幸運的,一鳴驚人,很快就變成了巨星級。但也有些,因不同理由,在不知不覺間失去了。雖然事實如此,但我絕對相信和明白,它們全部都是有價值的好孩子,曾經盡力貢獻,改善人類自身的生活品質,令世界更美好。 有些儀器陪伴多年,一同成長進步。但大部分,都只是短暫停留,只留下美好的回憶。不論相聚的時間是長是短,目的只得一個,專程來教導和啟發我這個學生。 你可能也是曾經來過這裡的幸運兒,跟它們相遇過,再次找到嬰兒般的美麗和笑容。 很感謝曾在我的生命中出現過,在這個樂園相遇的每一部儀器,它們的教導,我一輩子也不會忘記。 我會保持初見面時的態度和好奇心,繼續學習,令更多人知道,有那麼真貴的寶貝,在這個美好的世界中存在。



3DEEP TC Shaper 緊膚



多兩個月,就是診所八週年紀念。 真的感謝各位貴賓,廠商好友,傳媒朋友和同事多年來的支持。我們會繼續努力,提供最優質的服務和產品。


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