護膚潔膚產品 GMP 認證

剛剛看到 Seabie 姐寫了一篇很有指導性的文章,很值得跟大家分享。
大家生病看醫生,有沒有試過拿到一樣藥名,但不同形狀,不同顏色,不同藥廠製造的藥物,服用後都能快速痊癒。它們來自不同的來源,卻有同樣高品質,全因在藥物管制方面,我們採用了嚴格的品質管制,GMP Good manufacturing practice 這是國際認可的標準。生產商要有 GMP 認證,才能相信它所生產藥物,有合乎標準的安全性和品質。

妳一定有聽過:「面霜,瑞士入口⋯ 精油,美國貨⋯這個法國來的,很有名⋯」
單純產地,就可辨別好壞?還是,又是名人專家推介?市面上有不少「山寨廠」貨 和水貨, 品質都沒有保正。選購時,一定要問清楚,看清楚。
我還是只相信有 GMP 認可的生產商所製造的藥物和護膚潔膚產品。對那些不明來歷的品牌,還是可免則免!
只有一張臉,不要說 Dr James 沒有提醒您。

Importance about sunscreens

Most people think you don’t need sunscreen on winter time because it cold but the concept of sunscreen is to protect your skin from the sun.The first cosmeceutical to be developed, and the most important products for daily use, is sunscreen.

Skin damage from sunlight builds up with continued exposure, whether sunburn occurs or not. In addition to skin cancer and sunburn, other effects can include wrinkling, premature aging, and in time, an almost leathery appearance of the skin. Research also suggests that excessive exposure to UV radiation may interfere with the body’s immune system.

Sunburn is associated with the shorter ultraviolet wavelengths, known as ultraviolet B (UVB). The longer wavelengths, known as ultraviolet A (UVA), however, can penetrate the skin and damage connective tissue at deeper levels, even if the skin’s surface feels cool. It is important to limit exposure to both UVA and UVB.

The higher the SPF number, the more sunburn protection the product provides. Remember, sunscreen use alone will not prevent all of the possible harmful effects of the sun.
For maximum effectiveness, apply a sunscreen liberally, reapply it frequently and oral

When at the beach or pool, cover exposed areas with tightly woven clothing and wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your head and face. If you’re a parent, protect your children’s skin; research indicates that one or more severe, blistering sunburns in childhood or adolescence can double the risk of skin cancer later in life.

Remember that the sun’s rays are the strongest from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, especially during the late spring and summer. Reflected glare from water and snow also can increase your exposure to UV radiation.

‘Don’t forget your lips and eye protection.’, Dr James said.

Written By: Miss P @ Dr James Clinic

Thank you Miss P for sharing this important concept of skin care