

在应用前,需配合简单准确,理念清晰的《美容医学》定义。有了合理定义,才可介定那些是美容医学的治疗或项目。接着,平衡合并使用各类治疗,增加疗效和治疗後的自然感,也减少依赖单一技术的风险和副作用。经过搜集各《美容医学》学会的理念和定义中的重要字眼,简化成以下一句,作为我 Dr. James 对《美容医学》的定义。也在二0一四年十一月八日,泰国举行之第四届国际整形及皮肤美容医学学会年会中发表。


We should have a simple but clear definition of ‘Aesthetic Medicine’ so that we know which kinds of treatment modalities are available for application of poly-modal balanced approaches of aesthetic procedures.  It aimed at improving treatment efficacy and leading to more natural and harmonious clinical outcomes.  After searching for all keywords about aesthetic medicine, I summarized the definition into one sentence which was first presented at 4th International Thaicosderm Congress on Aesthetic Medicine (ITCAM) on 8th November 2014.

"Aesthetic medicine is a comprehensive study of evidence-based medicine which provides elective non-surgical treatment modalities for fulfillment of desired physical appearance." by Dr. James KM Chan


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