Importance of positive emotions.

Inspiration by my dear idol, Mr. Robin Williams 1951 ~ 2014.

I remembered you have made me laugh so many times.

My dear idols… Robin, Whitney, Michael, Lesile, Anita, Danny, Teresa … Thank you very much for giving us a lot of happy memories.

A new client asked me why a positive thinking person ended up with sadness. I did some researches on a positive thinking person or a person inspiring other to have positive thinking. I ‘d like to share my finding and opinion in my free personal area,

Thought can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing thoughts. Thinking can be actively controlled or spontaneously happen. It may be triggered by five senses and influence by experiences and beliefs. Five senses include what we see, what we smell, what we taste, what we hear and what we touch. Thinking can be expression how we interpret signals from sensory organs. It can be positive or negative thinking.

‘Positive thinking is not equal to positive feeling.’

Positive thinking may develop into negative feeling if there is uncertainty about positive thought, say, am I good enough? Am I worthy for it? Am I charming ? How do other people look at myself? … This process continues and amplifies, finally creates negative feeling which must be followed by a disease state.

Although they are celebrities with love and wealth, they are positive thinking persons and behave very positively, they are uncertain about this positive thought and continuously want to show to other they are very good and finally go to a state of stress, imbalance, fatigue, helplessness which ultimately manifests as exhaustion and become a diseases, pain or even cancer. This idea and logic is simple.

A positive thinking person ends up with very negative feeling. They are all persons with good energy and power. Creator love them, let him fall and start everything again. It is what I believe!

The important point is positive feeling which is subconscious and something you may not aware of. That is also why even if you keep being asked to be more positive and behave positive, Positive feeling is not ‘must’ outcome.

We, doctors, need to develop a method which can definitely lead to positive feeling, regardless positive or negative state. Like intravenous fluid, which is just infused into your body and rehydrate. It must be something powerful but very small which can go through everything. Human has no way to resist but accept it. It should be subatomic particle like an electron. It has two interchangeable states: wave state and mass state. Wave state is for transfer and mass state is for storage. Our body can be filled up with these particles which protect us from illness. I named this particle as ‘emotron’.

Before we find, confirm and use this ‘emotron’ ,I recommend every one of us to accumulate more postive experiences and emotions. For examples,
walk in a park,
listen to the sound of birds,
look at the clear sky,
close your eyes and feel the breeze touch your body,
feel like receiving energy from mother of earth,
enjoy the moment of peace,
appreciate what you have,
recall past memories with satisfaction and appreciation, e.g. birthday cakes from parents, winning an award in the school, got the first job, happy feeling of heart beat when you first see you dream lover, first kiss, making love with satisfaction in a romantic place, giving birth to a lovely baby…
imagine you are in the ocean of positive energy …
All these are your ‘medicine’ and you have plenty of positive emotions which have been forgotten for a while

Assuming we have all ‘tools’ for treatment inside our body (actually I believe), we retrive a positive emotion to neutralize negative emotion. It is better to think about and recall a real experience and that is more powerful than thinking the word of a positive emotion.

Human being need 7 essentials … social, physical, familial, vocational, mental, financial, spirtual… All these make you powerful and undefectable. I have inadequacy in some of these areas. Let’s do more to complete the list together.

By Dr James, KM chan 2014

(This article was rewritten on 08:00 25 Oct 2014)


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